CategoryGood News

It’s Easier to Donate to RWRN


You may have noticed a new feature on our site. Scroll down and there’s a blue “donate” button. RWRN has chosen GiveButter as our donation partner to make it easier way to make a single or recurring donation. Simply click, choose the amount and follow the prompts and your donation is complete. And just like that your gift helps us to make the world a better place! You can also...

RWRN X Ed Sheeran


In addition to working with caregivers, Holocaust survivors and other individuals facing life’s toughest moments, RWRN loves helping make magic happen whenever possible. When we heard about a sixteen year old girl going through intensive chemo treatment who dreamed of attending a sold-out Ed Sheeran concert, we stopped everything we were doing to try to make it happen. Thanks to friends of...